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Hyundai excavator serial numbers. ConEquip Videos. At ConEquip, our videos are here to inform you, help you, help you to get to know us, and to make you laugh. We've organized a few popular playlists to the right and you will find relevant videos througout the site. SERIAL NUMBER HYUNDAI EXCAVATOR. Serial Number Location for Hyundai Excavator. Models: R130LC-3, R160LC-3, R180LC-3, R210LC-3, R250LC-3, R290LC-3, R320LC-3, R360LC-3, SK485, R450LC-3, SK850, SK170C, SK210LC, SK260, SK295, SK350, R140, R180, R235, R290, R330, R520, R145, R210, R250, R300, R380. Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN codes)/Hyundai/VIN Codes. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world. Serial Number 13 4 14 8 15 4 16 4 17 7 18 19. Deciphering the Hyundai Vehicle Identification Number Below is a sample of an VIN taken off my Santa Fe minus the serial number Vehicle Identification Number System for the Hyundai Manufacturing Company.