Shejr Dar Vasfi Vatan Tochikiston

Ey Vatan, dar bakhri tu yak zarra, yak chashma man, Mekhru ishqingga doim bir zoru bir tashnaman. Az Somoniy sar shuda, imruz jahoniy shudai, Garchi turkiy bulsam ham taqdiringga oshnaman. Man bihisht namepursam, Tojikiston Vatanam, Boging jannat, toglaring har toshi ming bir chaman.
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Cho‘l tarafin berkitib, dar ochar suvga xarchang, Zamin sabzazor bo‘lib, tanidan ayrilar zang, Jonivorlar mast bo‘lib, go‘yo ichmish aroq, bang, Har ashyoning o‘ziga o‘z ovozi bo‘lar gang, Sabza ichra sanduvoch yuz tilda qilar ohang, Zamin xizrpo‘sh bo‘lib, gul ochibdir rang-barang, Xurujga kelib olam, qilarlar fig‘on paydo. Aksincha, bu yurtning mag’rur va erksevar kishilari, bir tomondan, muqaddas Vatan tuyg’usini dillariga mustahkam jo aylab, ozodlik va mustaqillik yo’lida jonbozlik bilan kurash olib borgan bo’lsalar, ikkinchi tomondan esa, ular asriy xalq an’analari, udumlariga sodiq qolib, yaratuvchilik ishlari bilan mashg’ul bo’lganlar.
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In Hisor, in Khatlonu in Khujandu Badakhshon Borligingga ming shukr, ey Vatan, ey Vatan. Ba yak kaf khoki tu zor shudagonho beshumor, Agar sherim etmasa sadqa bulsin jonu tan. Yak sukhai guftan dushvor bo zaboni Rudaki, Bezabonu bemakon qolar edim sensiz man. Ba Akmalu Qalandar dodi ilhom, dodi shan, Azizam Tojikistoi, ey Vatan, ey Vatan!