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I really like what you've acquired here, certainlyUsenet Suche. Follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes. UnRarX adalah download gratis dan Anda bisa mendapatkannya di sini. Rar “True faith is. Tool meant to keep the decompression process as simple and streamlined as. Here Are the Top 12 Apps That Integrate With Cortana ( Plus Cool Commands You Can Use). You need to say the commands exactly as the developer has assigned. Cortana will even read you the.
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Microsoft was late to the personal assistant game. Siri and Google Now have been here for more than a year now. Microsoft took its sweet sweet time to unveil Cortana. Turns out that time was not wasted at all. Microsoft clearly kept tabs on both and Now and decided to integrate the best of both services. So now what you get in Cortana is context and location aware notifications with information like Google Now and the conversational voice search like Siri. And Cortana comes packaged with a quirky personality that’s sorely missing in Google Now.
There’s also one field where Cortana leaves its competitors biting the dust and that is third party apps integration. Siri wouldn’t touch app data right now with a sterilized stick and it’s the same story with Now. But we don’t know when it is coming or its application. Cortana’s third party integration is quite simple. The developers can use Cortana’s API to integrate certain functionality from the app. The user doesn’t need to go through any special install process. Just launching the app once enables Cortana’s commands.
Browsing Third Party Commands To see a list of apps that support Cortana tap the Search key to wake up Cortana. Now from this screen tap on see more. Here Cortana will tell you all the things it can do for you. Scroll down till you see the Apps section. All your supported apps are listed here. Tap any one to see the commands for the app. About The Commands The commands for third party apps are integrated by the app developers themselves, not by Microsoft.
So you don’t get the same level of flexibility with them as you do with system level commands. There’s no natural language support. You need to say the commands exactly as the developer has assigned. Fortunately, Cortana is pretty good at recognizing voice.
So as long as you play your part well, it won’t be a problem. With that out of the way, let’s dive in to the apps that support Cortana and all the cool things you can do with them.
Nokia MixRadio commands are pretty simple. “MixRadio Play Me” to start the Play Me mix and “Mix Radio Skip” to skip the current song (6 skips in an hour allowed). WPCentral is the premier website for all things Windows Phone, so it’s not surprising that their app is compatible with Cortana. You can ask Cortana to read headlines from WPCentral, access reviews/app/forum or to bring up your WPCentral messages. Foursquare Cortana can help you from. You can also search for places or ask Cortana what’s trending.
Twitter Cortana will let you send a tweet directly using the default client or let you search. LinkedIn Cortana gives you an opportunity to not spend much time with the app and you should take it. Use Cortana to directly look up jobs, groups, inbox, post a new status or catch up with LinkedIn Today. Using Cortana you can easily ask app to, to open thesaurus or to update you on the word of the day. UC Browser, one of the on the platform allows you to look up bookmarks, downloads and scan QR codes from Cortana.