Radmin No Tray Icon

I urgently miss the 'hide tray icon' feature of the old Radmin! On my PC's there are approx 20 (some have as many as 28) icons in the iconbar. I only show those, that offer some information/functionality during daily work (and those that can't be disabled - ) - so MS dynamic hiding is a no go for me! Beside displaying the IP address ther is no functionality in Radamin Server that would justify to display the icon all the time. Even if the disabled functions (send Message, Audio Window, Chat Window) could be activated I do not see no reason for me, to be forced to show the icon: I don't think I need these! So: please let me hide this icon in the final release. Kiz uzatuga tilekter.
Show load order groups in the dependencies tree (but not their members).* Show warning if not all of the service's dependencies could be retrieved, e. Turk raw and uncut zip code. Namely these are Dcom. Mapper and pla (on Windows 7/8), but there may be other services.
I recently installed Radmin on my office computer and home computer. It worked correctly one time. I was able to connect without any problems. The next time I tried to use it, I was unsuccesful.
Before leaving my office I started the Radmin Server on my office computer. I moved the curser over the tray icon to obtain the IP number. The icon disapeared. I tried again. I started the server, moved the cursor over the tray icon, and it disapeared again. I cannot get it to work as it should. Any suggestions out there?
Thank you, Z.