Game Miami Nights 2 For Pc

Build a prestigious career and join the circle of the most influential people of Miami. Because of your popularity you will meet with such crazy and unexpected people, who seem to come out right from the screens. All the characters in the game have a good memory, that is why do not insult them, or they can hurt you at the most inopportune moment. Use your repute when flirting, kissing, seducing and so on But do not forget to build relationships, especially with your ex-; otherwise they will follow your footsteps. Miami Nights 2: The City is Yours game features: • The playing map is three times as much, than in the first version, 30 new places, including Key Biscayne; • Choose any career (a detective, a publisher, a fashion hunter); • Meet the symbolic characters of your favorite movies; • Play one more time and build a new career, live with your new neighbours; the game will be absolutely different!
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• Characters with human memory; build relationships with other characters at every meeting; • Draw your family and friends into the adventures thanks to camera functions. Play Miami Nights 2: The City is Yours game! Download it for Java phones right now! Miami Nights 2: The City is Yours is one of the best games. You will certainly enjoy its fascinating gameplay. You can get any mobile game for your cell phone absolutely free of charge directly on this site.

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