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The Passat B3 was a step upmarket for Volkswagen, and the planned hatchback version was dropped late in the development programme in order to protect sales of the top-end Golf models. Kak praviljno vistavitj zazhiganie audi 80 b3. Styling was also a radical departure, with a featureless nose that harked back to the 1981 Auto 2000 Concept car. It was based largely on the Golf's underpinnings, with many components shared between the two, despite being so much larger than that car. The engine line-up was pretty much as before, although Audi's five-cylinder engines were dropped from the line-up - so the options were the 1.8- and 2.0-litre petrols (in 8V, 16V, and G60 forms), and from 1991, the fascinating 2.8-litre VR6.

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