Arduino Hx711 Weight Scale Interface 1 0 Software
How to get more accurate reading out of load cells with HX711. A hx711 amp, lcd display, and a few buttons for basic interface now already. But after calibration the weight seems to drift around 1.2Grams over. HX711 scale(HX711_DT_PIN, HX711_CLK_PIN); // parameter 'gain' is.
I just recently got a HX711 Weigh Sensor Module ( and this load cell (I have an issue with the values that are printed onto the screen. The weight listed fluctuates even when a static load is applied to it. Attached is my code. I am using the HX711 library that is given from the manufacturer. Below is a picture of my wiring diagram. Is there any additions to the code to help make the values returned more stable?
Do I need to add any electrical components to my wiring diagram? Wiring diagram: Red (5V), Black (GND), White (S-), Green (S+). The black bar is the load cell. The load cell is attached to a weigh sensor module that is not pictured on the diagram. A picture below is attached.
I was originally using the one that the manufacturer had from their wiki but I have been looking at this library also. It seems to have more features. I'm going to try and set it up with the serial monitor rather than the LCD for now. This is my current set-up without the LCD. Does the wiring look correct?
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I could make a more detailed fritzing schematic if needed. When I download and use the bogde library while using the HX711serial example, my serial monitor shows a bunch of nonsense characters (see attached picture). I am using the load cell that came with the DFRobot module.
Yes that fixes the serial monitor problem! So I used the 1 kg load cell that came with the weighing module and I calibrated it using a 48g weight and got a set_scale value of 2120 with NO value fluctuations. Using the 50 kg load cell that I purchased from RobotShop (which is the load cell that I used when starting this topic) I needed to change set_scale to a value of 44 to return a value that was close to 48g. Having a set_scale value this low creates the fluctuations in the data set. Both load cells were subjected to the same conditions (cantilever beam) and the same code but performed very differently. The 50 kg is the top one, the 1 kg is the lower one.
What I can conclude from this is that the 50 kg load cell from RobotShop DOES NOT work with the DFRobot weighing module. Which is odd since both load cells look very similar and RobotShop sells the DFRobot weighing module on their website. Is there a 50-100 kg load cell available for purchase online that will work with the DFRobot weighing module? After looking at the schematic for the hx711 I realized that you can't amplify it because the amplifier is built into the HX711 chip. I really don't know what to tell you.