Acoustic Solutions Pd2 Dab Digital Radio Manual

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• 1 Answer SOURCE: Hello I experienced a similar problem some time ago. I thought I was responsible for the problem because I run the radio of a dual voltage shaver socket and accidentally switched the socket output to 110v. Kak napisatj pismo sponsoru obrazec. From that point on the radio did excactly what you described.
'acoustic solutions dab radio'. GOOD LEAD 7v ACOUSTIC SOLUTIONS PORTABLE DAB FM Radio PD2 new Power Supply Adapter NEW. Kindle Direct Publishing Indie Digital. Factory resetting an Acoustic Solutions pd2 DAB radio. But not in the manual. The radio was bought from Woolworths (shows how old it is) for about £30, and it.
I perservered in trying to find out why but to no avail so I abandoned it. Some months later out of curiosity I plugged it, switched it on and it worked perfectly. Try leaving it unplugged for a few days (which by this time will have already passed). It may just recover like mine did. Posted on Dec 03, 2010.
• 71 Answers SOURCE: This is SwannerX and I have solved the problem by locating the DAB radio receiver to a higher position ( some 6ins. Higher only ) and orienteering the aerial in an opposite direction. All 25 stations now tune O.K. And signal quality still reads in the high 90's and signal strength shows 9-10 bars. This is not substantially any more, but it has done the trick!!! I am still very puzzled why it would not work again in the original position where it has worked well for many years.
Obviously DAB requires a good strong signal as I am living very close to the transmitter at Mounteagle in the Black Isle and the set is upstairs in the house to achieve the highest signal into the set's whip aerial. Another annoying query I can give you is this:- Every time I do a full AutoTune operation on the DAB receiver, it ALWAYS comes ON tuning BBC Asian 1st. So that station comes up as a 'Favorite' on the Radio's screen. No matter how many other stations I select and listen to for at least 20secs. Say, the BBC Asian one STILL is listed as a FAV. Is this a peculiarity of the Sharp design or a function of the transmission system?
Maybe this BBC Asian is on the first freq. The DAB Radio scans, but I would have thought it would come ON every time with the last station which was selected before it was switched OFF. What do you think???
Posted on Feb 26, 2008.